Saturday, October 30, 2010

The horrors of Halloween shouldn't include pet danger

You know what tomorrow is.


Did I scare you?

Well, it's Halloween. Duh. And that means doorbells will be ringing and trick-or-treaters will be wanting candy.

Remember that the amount of commotion surrounding the festivities might be a little stressful for Fluffy or Fido, and that constantly opening door could be dangerous.

Here are some tips to get through Halloween from the American Humane Society.
Then there are the other problems they face. If pets are not secured and they get out, it can be a particularly scary time, and they may run off and really get lost. Please be sure that your pet always has an ID tag and collar (or a microchip, which is permanent), even if they are always inside.

Candy is so bad for pets, particularly chocolate, so be sure to keep it out of reach and remind the kids how dangerous it would be for pets to eat their stash if it is not carefully stowed away. Also, some people play pranks on their neighbors, so be sure your pets are safely inside your house or secure in your barn. Cats can be particularly vulnerable around Halloween.
And while candles add that perfect spooky effect, make sure they can't be knocked over.

So have fun and don't eat too much candy.

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